All Eyes On You

All Eyes On You
Convex mirror, graphic on film 2024

All Eyes On You is a thought-provoking mirror installation that explores the profound connection between self-reflection, perception, and the human experience.

Inspired by Carl Jung’s Model of Psyche, this convex mirror installation is adorned with abstract kaleidoscopic patterns representing Persona, Ego, Shadow, Animus/Anima, as well as Personal and Collective unconscious—all contributing to the Self reflected in the center.

This project delves into the idea that the eyes are ‘mirror of the soul’, inviting viewers to confront themselves and others: their behaviour, dreams and symbols. As people engage with the installation, they may instinctively want to capture the artwork through photography. Yet, in doing so, they unwittingly become an integral part of the artwork itself.
All Eyes On You encapsulates the tension between being an observer and a participant.

Ultimately, this project aims to provoke introspection and poses a fundamental question: What are you in your eyes and in the eyes of others?

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